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We have a proposal for you <3
I crashed at 30mph...
I fell in love with Viktor the exact moment I crashed at 30mph on a turn with my race bike. I'll save that story for another day. We originally met the new fashioned way, on Hinge.
Viktor, is in the Belgian Navy, doing a foreign exchange program in the United States. I never would have met him in real life. I continue to marvel at the social landscape of our world.
I adoringly call him, "my crazy European boyfriend" who casually runs marathons up mountains, his only training? Three boxes of pasta the night before.
I had been adventuring since the early days of instagram, and had built up a niche community around me, especially in Salt Lake City...(It's a prerequisite to be a pro athlete in order to live there. That's a joke, only, sort of.)
When I moved to San Diego, Viktor was the unexpected addition to my life. I love our friendship because he pushes me to do things!...when I might otherwise have stayed home to water the plants....I swear, there's a lot of plants in the apartment, IDK.
Anyways, I consider us "weekend warriors", sleeping on air mattresses and saving gas money for the next long weekend.
Because you are one, too, here is an
Ode to the weekend warriors:
Here's to the dawn patrol, to the nine to five. To the community of athletes who wish they could spend every moment outside. You may find yourself feeling caged in a cubicle. Here's a cheers to you, for giving to your community with your raw, robust talent, when you'd rather give it all to the trail. We get you. We're grateful for you, and so is the weekend.
Let’s Inspire Weekend Warriors
We may not have ten thousand followers, but we are looking for support from brands to continue to get outdoors. Support can be as simple as responding that you've gotten this note, to inspire us to know we're not totally shooting in the dark.
We would be incredibly grateful for any opportunities, and hope that we may be kept in mind.
The proposal we promised?
From April 6th - 14th we will be in Kauai. There is a portion of the Na Pali coast known as "Crawlers Ledge" we are proposing trail running on a section of the trail for GoPro. The content has potential to be captivating.
Additionally, there is a hole in the content space currently. Meaning there isn't a high quality exhibit of the trail yet on Tiktok. A low quality reference video has been supplied.